Which of the following sentences best compares conductors and insulators?

A. Conductors and insulators allow electrons to flow freely.
B. Conductors and insulators do not allow for electrons to flow freely.
C. insulators obstruct the flow of electrons, whereas conductors allow electron to flow freely.
D. conductors obstruct the flow of electrons, whereas insulators allow electron to flow freely.

c is the correct answer.

C. insulators obstruct the flow of electrons, whereas conductors allow electrons to flow freely.

The correct answer is C. "Insulators obstruct the flow of electrons, whereas conductors allow electrons to flow freely." To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand the properties of conductors and insulators.

Conductors are materials that allow the flow of electric current easily because they have loosely bound electrons that can move around freely. Examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum.

Insulators, on the other hand, are materials that do not allow electric current to flow easily because they have tightly bound electrons that are not able to move around freely. Examples of insulators include rubber, plastic, and wood.

In option C, it correctly states that insulators obstruct the flow of electrons, meaning they do not allow electron flow easily. On the other hand, conductors allow electrons to flow freely, which is accurately mentioned in the second part of the sentence.

Hence, option C best compares conductors and insulators by highlighting their different properties related to electron flow.