Draw the graph of y=x^2-4x-5 and use it to solve the equations.

This should be a graph of quadratic equation. Range -3 to 5?

Cannot draw a graph on these posts.

To draw the graph of the equation y=x^2-4x-5, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the x and y values: Choose a range of x values that you think is appropriate to plot on the graph. For example, let's take a range from -5 to 5. Substitute these x values into the equation to find the corresponding y values.

When x = -5:
y = (-5)^2 - 4(-5) - 5 = 25 + 20 - 5 = 40

When x = -4:
y = (-4)^2 - 4(-4) - 5 = 16 + 16 - 5 = 27

Continue this process for other x values within the range.

2. Plot the points: Use a coordinate plane to plot the points (x, y) you found in step 1. For example, when x = -5, y = 40, plot the point (-5, 40).

3. Connect the points: Once you have plotted all the points, connect them to form a smooth curve. This curve represents the graph of the equation y = x^2 - 4x - 5.

Now let's use this graph to solve the given equations:

a) To solve x^2 - 5x - 3 = 0 using the graph, find the x-intercepts or the points where the graph crosses the x-axis. These are the values of x for which y = 0.

On the graph, locate the points where the curve crosses the x-axis (where y = 0), and read the corresponding x-values. These will be the solutions to the equation.

b) Similarly, to solve x^2 - 3x - 4 = 0 using the graph, locate the x-intercepts and read the corresponding x-values as the solutions to the equation.

Note: In the given equation y = x^2 - 4x - 5, the range you mentioned (-3 to 5) refers to the range of x-values you want to consider when plotting the graph, not the range of the function. The range of the function is the set of all possible y-values that the function can output.