-HUGH MERCER CURTLER-second edition-this is college Philosophy- Read pages 98-126 in Ethical Argument - Justifying Ethical Claims
2. Pick 10 exercises in the grey sections of this reading from the “identifying arguments”
part and complete them.
3. Pick 10 exercises in the grey sections of this reading from the “informal fallacies” part
and complete them.
4. Make sure you list the questions in a way that would not require one to look at the book
to understand what the questions are.
5. Each exercise completed will be worth 1 point.
6. More than 20 exercises may be submitted, but I will only grant up to 20 total points.
7. Grading will only be marked as correct or incorrect.
8. Only send in one submission. No “redo’s”
9. No partial credit per question; failing to follow instructions will result in a point deduction.

No one here will write your assignment for you. However, if you post what you write (no 1st or 2nd drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.

It seems like you have a specific assignment or task related to studying ethical arguments and critical thinking in ethics from a book called "Ethical Argument - Justifying Ethical Claims" by Hugh Mercer Curtler. The task is to read pages 98-126 in the book and complete 10 exercises from the "identifying arguments" section and 10 exercises from the "informal fallacies" section found in the grey sections of the reading.

To complete this task, you will need access to the book "Ethical Argument" by Hugh Mercer Curtler. Read the assigned pages to familiarize yourself with the concepts and examples provided. Within the grey sections, locate the exercises related to identifying arguments and informal fallacies and choose 10 exercises from each section to complete.

To ensure that your questions are understandable without needing to refer to the book, rephrase the questions in your submission so that they are self-contained and clear.

Each correctly completed exercise will earn you 1 point, with a maximum of 20 points. Note that the grading will be binary, either marking your response as correct or incorrect. Make sure to submit your completed exercises in one submission and avoid any potential point deductions by following the instructions carefully.

Good luck with your assignment! If you have any specific questions or need assistance with any particular exercise, feel free to ask.