An item is regularly priced at $20. Laura bought it at a discount of 85% off the regular price. How much did Laura pay?

I can't figure it out can someone help

0.85 * 20 = _______

Subtract that product from 20 to find out what she paid.

100% - 85% = 15% paid.

Amt. paid = 0.15 * 20 =

Of course, I can help you with that! To find out how much Laura paid, we need to calculate the discount amount and subtract it from the original price.

The discount amount can be found by multiplying the regular price by the discount percentage. In this case, the regular price is $20 and the discount is 85%.

To calculate the discount:
Discount = Regular Price x Discount Percentage
Discount = $20 x 85%
Discount = $20 x 0.85
Discount = $17

Now we can find out how much Laura paid by subtracting the discount amount from the regular price:
Amount paid = Regular Price - Discount
Amount paid = $20 - $17
Amount paid = $3

Therefore, Laura paid $3 for the item after applying an 85% discount.