!! You must have taken this class to answer this question because it requires hearing the audio, I cannot download the audio at all, trust me I've tried. !!

I have listened over & over and I just can't decipher it.

Wo arbeitet sie?
Wann arbeitet sie?
Warum ist sie im Supermarkt?
Wo ist sie samstags um drei Uhr nachmittags?
Wer ist im Restaurant mit Heidi?

Surely the words used in the questions will appear in the recording as statements. If you listen for the word "arbeiten" in one form or another, you will probably also hear the day or time and place nearby.

To understand the audio, you can try the following steps:

1. Transcribe the audio: Listen to the audio carefully and try to transcribe the spoken words into written text. Listen to each phrase or sentence multiple times if needed.

2. Translate the transcribed text: Once you have the transcribed text, translate it from the spoken language into the language you understand. In this case, the audio appears to be in German, so you would need to translate the transcribed German text into the desired language (e.g., English).

3. Analyze the questions: Now that you have the translated text, let's analyze the questions and find the answers:

a) Wo arbeitet sie? (Where does she work?): Look for the mention of a workplace or job location in the translated text. This answer should indicate where someone is employed.

b) Wann arbeitet sie? (When does she work?): Look for the mention of specific days or times in the translated text. This answer should indicate the working schedule.

c) Warum ist sie im Supermarkt? (Why is she in the supermarket?): Look for any reasons or explanations for being at the supermarket in the translated text. This answer should provide the purpose or motive for being there.

d) Wo ist sie samstags um drei Uhr nachmittags? (Where is she on Saturdays at three o'clock in the afternoon?): Look for information about her location specifically on Saturdays at three o'clock in the afternoon in the translated text. This answer should specify her whereabouts.

e) Wer ist im Restaurant mit Heidi? (Who is in the restaurant with Heidi?): Look for mentions of people accompanying Heidi in the translated text. This answer should provide the names or identities of other individuals present in the restaurant.

By following these steps, you should be able to understand and find answers to the questions posed in the audio. If you are still struggling to decipher the audio, you might consider seeking assistance from someone who is fluent in the spoken language of the audio.