Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Patsy has cheerleading practice every fourth day. She wants to be in the school play, but they have practice every sixth day. If both start on September 5th, what would be the next date she has to choose between cheerleading and play practice? Show your work and explain.

Find the least common multiple.

Then add that to September 5.


You're welcome, Corgi.

So is the least common multiple 12?

Yes, 12.

i thought u were yelling at ms.sue

To determine the next date Patsy has to choose between cheerleading and play practice, we need to find the common multiples of 4 and 6.

First, let's find the first few multiples of 4:
4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, ...

Next, let's find the first few multiples of 6:
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, ...

From the multiples listed, we can see that the first common multiple of 4 and 6 is 12. This means that Patsy will have to choose between cheerleading and play practice on the 12th day.

To find the date, we start with September 5th and count 12 days forward.

September 5th + 12 days = September 17th

Therefore, the next date Patsy has to choose between cheerleading and play practice is September 17th.