The United States belongs to which of the following international associations? Select the two correct answers.

Warsaw Pact***

United Nations

League of Nations

British Commonwealth

North Atlantic Treaty Organization***

The United States belongs to which of the following international associations? Select the two correct answers.

Incorrect answer A.
Warsaw Pact

Correct answer B. ***
United Nations

Incorrect answer C.
League of Nations

Incorrect answer D.
British Commonwealth

Correct answer E. ***
North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Which of the following traits make a person a good voter? Select all that apply.

Correct answer A. ***
interested in news

Incorrect answer B.
is a member of a political party

Incorrect answer C.
owns property or a business

Incorrect answer D.
pays federal taxes

Incorrect answer E.
serves as a volunteer or in the armed forces

Correct answer F. ***
understands government

Why is it important that news organizations stay independent of the government or of any political party?

Incorrect answer A.
News organizations have a duty to represent the least privileged people in society.

Incorrect answer B.
News organizations are private businesses and are best run by individuals or corporations.

Incorrect answer C.
News organizations must be able to fairly moderate debates between candidates in election season.

Correct answer D. ***
News organizations should be free to inform voters about both the good and bad decisions of the government.

Which activity is part of civic, rather than private, life?

Incorrect answer A.
enjoying a dog park

Incorrect answer B.
taking a college course

Correct answer C. ***
volunteering at a shelter

Incorrect answer D.
spending time with friends

Which of the following is true of a parliamentary system of government but not of a presidential system?

Incorrect answer A.
The government is not regulated by a constitution.

Incorrect answer B.
The judicial branch is part of an unelected senate.

Incorrect answer C.
The legislative assembly is determined by a national election.

Correct answer D. ***
The head of the government is chosen by the legislative assembly.

Which of the following were goals of the civil rights movement? Select the two correct answers.

Incorrect answer A.
establishing full voting rights for women

Correct answer B. ***
establishing full voting rights for African Americans

Incorrect answer C.
banning sexist business practices

Correct answer D. ***
banning racist business practices

Incorrect answer E.
increasing land ownership rights for women

The United States Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona held that criminal confessions cannot be used in a court case unless the suspect was fully informed of his or her rights, in order to uphold the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution.

Use the passage to answer the question.

What was a long-term effect of this decision?

Incorrect answer A.
Police in Arizona were forced to release suspects upon arrest.

Correct answer B. ***
Police nationwide were trained to read suspects their rights upon arrest.

Incorrect answer C.
Police in Arizona relied more on evidence than on confessions.

Incorrect answer D.
Police nationwide relied more on evidence than on confessions.

Use the graphic to answer the question.

Which is the purpose of the agencies represented by the blank boxes?

Correct answer A. ***
applying laws and regulations

Incorrect answer B.
protecting the rights of citizens

Incorrect answer C.
managing state and municipal governments

Incorrect answer D.
prosecuting and judging criminal court cases

Which government leader is most likely to change the policies of a public school?

Incorrect answer A.

Incorrect answer B.

Correct answer C. ***
state representative

Incorrect answer D.
Supreme Court justice

The Electoral College determines the president and vice president. Each state is given two votes in the college, as well as extra seats based on the state’s population. What is the purpose of the distribution of seats

Incorrect answer A.
to ensure that the best candidate is elected president

Incorrect answer B.
to ensure that the president is supported by most citizens

Incorrect answer C.
to ensure the president equally represents small and large states

Correct answer D. ***
to ensure that the president best represents the more populated states

Why do United States citizens have civic responsibilities?

Incorrect answer A.
In a republic, the president can order any citizen to help.

Incorrect answer B.
In a democracy, every citizen must earn their civil rights.

Correct answer C. ***
In a democracy, the country is run by all citizens working together.

Incorrect answer D.
In a republic, the government needs help to understand citizens’ concerns.

B and e?

Aye mane enjoy is 1000% right bruh preciate it mane

thank you

A. Warsaw Pact

C. League of Nations

To find out which international associations the United States belongs to, we can go through the options one by one:

A. Warsaw Pact: The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance formed by the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies during the Cold War. The United States was not a member of the Warsaw Pact, so this option is incorrect.

B. United Nations: The United Nations (UN) is an international organization founded in 1945 with the aim of promoting peace, security, and cooperation among member countries. The United States is a founding member of the UN and has been an important participant in its activities. Therefore, the United States belongs to the United Nations.

C. League of Nations: The League of Nations was an international organization established after World War I with the purpose of maintaining world peace and preventing future conflicts. However, the United States never joined the League of Nations, so this option is incorrect.

D. British Commonwealth: The British Commonwealth, also known as the Commonwealth of Nations, is an intergovernmental organization composed of sovereign states, most of which were formerly part of the British Empire. The United States was never a colony of Britain, nor is it a member of the British Commonwealth. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

E. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): NATO is a military alliance established in 1949 to provide collective defense among member countries. The United States is a founding member of NATO and has played a key role in the organization. Therefore, the United States belongs to NATO.

Based on the explanations above, the two correct answers are B (United Nations) and E (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

E — yes

A — no

Look up the others on Google if you need to. Try again.