What is....?


Some body help me pls!

63/6 ÷ 56/8

you multiply 63/6 by the reciprocal of 56/8

63/6 × 8/56

the product is 504/336

you can then simplify this fraction to 3/2

since this is an improper fraction, you can reduce it further by converting to a mixed number. in this case, 1 1/2

hope this helps!

To solve the expression 63/6 ÷ 56/8, you would follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction), to simplify the expression.

Step 1: Simplify within parentheses (if any).
There are no parentheses in the expression.

Step 2: Perform any exponentiation (if any).
There are no exponents in the expression.

Step 3: Multiply and divide from left to right.
63/6 ÷ 56/8 is the same as (63/6) ÷ (56/8).

To divide fractions, you can do the following steps:
- Flip the second fraction, so 56/8 becomes 8/56
- Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction
- Simplify the result if possible

63/6 ÷ 56/8 becomes
(63/6) * (8/56)

63/6 equals 10.5, and 56/8 equals 7, so the expression simplifies to:

10.5 * 8/7

Step 4: Add and subtract from left to right (if any).
10.5 * 8/7 equals 12

Therefore, 63/6 ÷ 56/8 is equal to 12.

In summary, to solve the expression 63/6 ÷ 56/8, you would divide the first fraction by the second fraction after flipping the second fraction and simplifying the result.