wo students think that wintertime thunder storms are always followed by snow. Which of the following would be the best way to test this hypothesis?

A. Measure the snowfall after the first winter thunderstorm

B. Compare data collected for one week with data from another group

C. Tape record a show on tornadoes and their destruction

D. Analyze winter weather records from the past five years


"...... are always ......"

5 year data would help.

I still don't get it



To test the hypothesis that wintertime thunderstorms are always followed by snow, the best way would be option D: Analyze winter weather records from the past five years. Here's why:

A. Measuring the snowfall after the first winter thunderstorm may provide some insight into whether it snows after thunderstorms, but it doesn't take into account other factors that might cause snowfall. It could be coincidental or location-specific.

B. Comparing data collected for one week with data from another group might give some insights, but it doesn't specifically address the relationship between winter thunderstorms and snow.

C. Tape recording a show on tornadoes and their destruction is unrelated to the hypothesis and wouldn't provide any relevant evidence.

D. Analyzing winter weather records from the past five years allows you to examine a larger dataset and establish a pattern or correlation between winter thunderstorms and snow. By analyzing historical weather data over a reasonably long period, you can determine if there's a consistent relationship between winter thunderstorms and subsequent snowfall.

Therefore, option D is the best choice as it provides the most comprehensive and reliable approach to testing the hypothesis.