Which of the following is true of carbon?

A. Carbon is present in all organisms and the atmosphere**
B. Carbon moves from consumers to producers
C. Carbon must be fixed by bacteria before other organisms can use it
D. Carbon can only be released from dead organisms by decomposers

yes it is A

To determine which option is true of carbon, let's break down each statement and identify the correct one.

A. Carbon is present in all organisms and the atmosphere.
This statement is correct. Carbon is an essential element for life and is found in all living organisms. It is also present in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2).

B. Carbon moves from consumers to producers.
This statement is incorrect. In an ecosystem, carbon cycles between various components, including producers (such as plants), consumers (such as animals), and decomposers. Carbon can move in multiple directions within the ecosystem, including from producers to consumers or from consumers to decomposers. Therefore, it does not exclusively move from consumers to producers.

C. Carbon must be fixed by bacteria before other organisms can use it.
This statement is incorrect. Carbon fixation, the process of converting inorganic carbon (such as carbon dioxide) into organic compounds, is primarily performed by autotrophic organisms like plants through photosynthesis. Bacteria also play a role in carbon fixation, but it is not necessary for other organisms to rely solely on bacteria for carbon uptake and utilization.

D. Carbon can only be released from dead organisms by decomposers.
This statement is incorrect. While decomposers do play a crucial role in the decomposition process and releasing carbon from dead organisms, other processes can also contribute to the release of carbon, such as combustion and respiration.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct statement is A: Carbon is present in all organisms and the atmosphere.