How do the governments of South Africa and Nigeria differ?

South Africa has an authoritarian government; Nigeria is a democracy.

South Africa has a written constitution; Nigeria does not.

South Africa is a parliamentary democracy; Nigeria is a presidential democracy.

South Africa has a democratically elected government; Nigeria is a dictatorship.
I think it is c?

the answer is C (South Africa is a parliamentary democracy; Nigeria is a presidential democracy.)

I got 100% when i put in C. trust me

yea c is 100%

The answer is C I know pls trust me.


Correct! The governments of South Africa and Nigeria differ in that South Africa is a parliamentary democracy, while Nigeria is a presidential democracy. In a parliamentary democracy like South Africa, the executive branch is led by a Prime Minister who is chosen from the majority party or coalition in the parliament. On the other hand, in a presidential democracy like Nigeria, the President is directly elected by the people and holds both executive and legislative powers. This distinction indicates that option C is the correct answer.

What's the answer? It's C or A? Can someone help???

I do not know this at all

it is probably A or C

A is the answer am taking assesment rn pls respond if that is wrong pretty sure tho