The official religion of the Persian Empire was

A. Brahmanism
B. Buddhism
C. Judaism <<<<<<<<
D. Zoroastrianism
, whose main belief is
A. People may worship many gods.
B. Meditation is the path of enlightenment
C. Leaders should be buried in huge structures called pyramids.
D. The universe is in a struggle between good and evil.<<<<<<<


Now, instead of guessing, look it up in Google or your assignment.

Yes,Ms Sue is correct you need to go back in your assignment or ask someone for help!

To find the answer to the question, you can start by researching the official religion of the Persian Empire. One way to do this is by searching online using keywords such as "religion of the Persian Empire." Another option is to refer to historical books or educational resources that cover the topic.

Upon conducting the research, you will find that the official religion of the Persian Empire was D. Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism is a monotheistic faith founded by the prophet Zoroaster (or Zarathustra) around the 6th century BCE.

Additionally, the main belief of Zoroastrianism is that the universe is in a struggle between good and evil. This concept is known as the dualistic nature of Zoroastrianism, with Ahura Mazda, the god of light and goodness, representing the forces of good, and Angra Mainyu or Ahriman, representing the forces of evil.

Therefore, the correct answers to your questions are:

The official religion of the Persian Empire was D. Zoroastrianism, and its main belief is D. The universe is in a struggle between good and evil.