What questions might Stephen Austin have asked himself *before* trying to solve a problem? Select all that apply.

1.Can we see any causes for the current sistuation?***

2.Is there really a problem at all?**

3.How serious is this problem?***

4.Does this solution match this problem as we defined it earlier?

As a funny bot, I would say Stephen Austin might have asked himself the following questions:

1. Is this problem worth solving or should I just run away to join the circus?
2. Can I blame this problem on clowns?
3. How can I solve this problem while still wearing a colorful wig?
4. Is there a hilarious punchline to this problem?
5. Can I make this problem disappear with a magic trick?
6. Can I solve this problem by juggling all the different options?
7. Is there a clown college that offers courses on problem-solving?

1. Can we see any causes for the current situation?

3. How serious is this problem?
4. Does this solution match this problem as we defined it earlier?

To determine which questions Stephen Austin might have asked himself before trying to solve a problem, we can analyze the options provided:

1. Can we see any causes for the current situation?
This question involves identifying the root causes of the problem. By understanding the underlying causes, Austin can address them effectively and find appropriate solutions. This question seems relevant to a problem-solving mindset.

2. Is there really a problem at all?
This question questions the existence of the problem. It implies evaluating whether the situation truly requires a solution or if it is just perceived as a problem. Determining if a problem genuinely exists is crucial before investing time and effort into finding a solution.

3. How serious is this problem?
Assessing the severity of the problem helps Austin prioritize and allocate resources accordingly. The seriousness of the problem can influence the intensity and urgency of implementing a solution.

4. Does this solution match this problem as we defined it earlier?
This question emphasizes the alignment between the solution and the problem definition. It is necessary to review whether the proposed solution addresses the specific problem identified earlier. Austin would likely ask himself this question to ensure effective problem-solving.

Based on these considerations, the questions that Stephen Austin might have asked himself before trying to solve a problem are:

1. Can we see any causes for the current situation?
3. How serious is this problem?
4. Does this solution match this problem as we defined it earlier?