The product of two numbers is negative twenty-four. The sum of the same two numbers is two. What are the two numbers?

x +y =-24
Help me what did I do wrong

you have it backwards

2xy = -24
x+y = 2

just by inspection, the numbers are -4 and 6

It looks like there was a mistake in setting up the equations. Let's go through the correct steps to find the two numbers.

Let's assign variables to the two numbers. Let's call the first number x and the second number y.

The product of the two numbers is -24, which means x * y = -24.
The sum of the two numbers is 2, which means x + y = 2.

To solve these equations, we can use the method of substitution or elimination.

Let's solve by the method of substitution:
1. Rearrange the equation x + y = 2 to get x = 2 - y.
2. Substitute this value of x into the other equation x * y = -24.
(2 - y) * y = -24
3. Distribute the y: 2y - y^2 = -24
4. Rearrange the equation to get y^2 - 2y - 24 = 0.
5. Solve the quadratic equation by factoring or using the quadratic formula. We can factor the equation as (y - 6)(y + 4) = 0, which gives us two possible values for y: y = 6 or y = -4.
6. Substitute each value of y back into x = 2 - y to find the corresponding values of x.
When y = 6, x = 2 - 6 = -4. So one pair of numbers is x = -4 and y = 6.
When y = -4, x = 2 - (-4) = 6. So the other pair of numbers is x = 6 and y = -4.

Therefore, the two sets of numbers that satisfy the conditions are (-4, 6) and (6, -4).

The product of two numbers is negative twenty-four. The sum of the same two numbers is two. What are the two numbers?

x +y =-24
Help me what did I do wrong

How did you get -4 and 6

what am I leave out

-4 x 6 = -24

-4 + 6= 2