1. identify the process by which a highly developed populations rate of growth will stabilize.

a mortality rate*******
b urbanization c demographic transition

2. according to speculation instead of you, what will happen to the global birth rate in about 40 years?
a the birth rate will increase
b the birth rate will decrease
c the birth rate will stay the same *****
3 why are certain areas of the world experiencing in increased mortality rate?
a lack of a sanitation,education, and resources
b disease and illness
c both a and b *****

1. C) demographic transition

2. B) The birth rate will decrease.
3. C) both A and B
I just took the quick check in connexus and these are 100% correct


1. Demographic Transition.

2. The birth rate with decrease.

3. Both A and B.

hiiii is right


approved by the black ancestors

They meant the person named "nineteen"

hii is right

Hiii is right ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿซฅ

k is wrong itโ€™s still demographic transition, the birth rate will decrease, and both A & B



1. C

2. A
3. C