How did the Missouri Compromise affect the spread of slavery?

1. A

2. C
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. A, C
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. Do on your own
Should give 90 percent if not 100. (Be sure you do the writing also)

The Missouri Compromise was a crucial agreement in the United States in 1820 that aimed to address the issue of slavery and its expansion. It had a significant impact on the spread of slavery in several ways.

To understand how the Missouri Compromise affected the spread of slavery, we need to examine its key provisions and the context surrounding it. Here's how you can explore this topic further:

1. Background: Start by researching the circumstances leading up to the Missouri Compromise. Look into the westward expansion of the United States and how the issue of slavery was becoming increasingly contentious between the North and South.

2. Understand the Compromise: Familiarize yourself with the details of the Missouri Compromise. It involved three main components:
- Missouri joined the Union as a slave state.
- Maine, previously part of Massachusetts, entered as a free state to maintain the balance between free and slave states in Congress.
- The 36°30' parallel was established as the boundary for future slavery expansion in the Louisiana Purchase territory.

3. Impact on Slave vs. Free States: Investigate how the Missouri Compromise helped maintain a balance between slave and free states in Congress. Due to the expansion of the United States, maintaining this equilibrium was crucial to prevent one side from gaining political dominance.

4. Southern Perspective: Study the Southern perspective on the Missouri Compromise. Some Southerners feared that this compromise could restrict the future expansion of slavery, restricting their economic interests and influence.

5. Northern Perspective: Explore the Northern perspective on the Missouri Compromise. Many Northerners viewed this compromise as a victory in limiting the spread of slavery, as it prohibited slavery in most of the Louisiana Purchase territory.

6. Long-term Consequences: Assess the long-term consequences of the Missouri Compromise. Did it effectively resolve the issue of slavery, or did it merely postpone the inevitable conflict that would later erupt into the Civil War?

By delving into these aspects, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how the Missouri Compromise impacted the spread of slavery in the United States.