An allegorical representation of two contrasting forms of energy, solar and geothermal. The scene depicts an ethereal golden sun floating majestically above a sprawling desert, casting vibrant rays on a glimmering solar farm. The solar panels are sleek and robust, reflecting the radiant sunlight. In contrast, on one side of the desert stands a geothermal power plant, embedded deep into the rocky earth, with steam billowing out from its structure as it harnesses heat from the earth's core. Additionally, portray the dynamic nature of ozone within the environment, represented by a clear boundary separating the bustling city from a serene nature scene showing the tree canopy and the bright, protective layer in the upper atmosphere.

I need help, please! Only two questions, I don't know the first one.

1. Suppose that a report shows that, for a given year, the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of new construction projects is expected to be $0.0545 per kWh for solar energy and $0.0995 per kWh for geothermal energy. Which form of energy has a better LCOE?

a. geothermal energy, because the LCOE implies higher total production

b. solar energy, because the LCOE implies lower capital and operating costs

c. geothermal energy, because the dollar amount per kWh is higher

d. solar energy, because the dollar amount per kWh is lower

2. Which of the following statements about ozone are true? Select the two correct answers.

a. Most ground level ozone is released by vehicles.

b. Ozone is helpful for reducing smog levels.***

c. Ozone at ground level is harmful to human health.

d. Ozone in the upper atmosphere protects Earth from the sun's rays.***

e. Trees and plants help to decrease levels of ozone in the atmosphere.

unit 6 energy resources practice answers-

#1 [coal] sediment, rock and water apply pressure and heat, formed at the bottoms of swamps, oxygen cant reach the decaying matter
[oil] sediment, rock and water apply pressure and heat, formed at the bottom of oceans, oxygen cant reach the decaying matter
[natural gas] sediment, rock and water apply pressure and heat, formed at the bottom of oceans, oxygen cant reach the decaying matter, carbon bonds break to produce methane

#2 [crude oil] through drilling wells
[coal] through surface and underground mining
[natural gas] through drilling wells & through hydraulic fracturing

#3 C it was formed from ancient plants and animal remains

#4 Cgases that contribute to smog decreased

#5 [coal] allowed companies to build more factories, allowed workers to build stronger buildings
[natural gas] decreased use of electric stoves
[petroleum] increased use of automobiles, allowed people to store and save food

#6 C. the availability of petroleum changed the way people store and package food

#7 C. solar energy because the dollar amount per kWh is lower

#8 A&B harmful to human health & protects earth from sun's rays

#9 B&E minimal environmental affects, doesn't produce pollutants

#10 [acquiring coal] can cause landslides & can cause sinkholes
[natural gas] can cause earthquakes
[both] release methane in the air & can contaminate ground water

#11 C less sea ice to reflect sun's rays

#12 [wind energy] uses groups of turbines
[solar energy] can be easily harnessed by homeowners
[hydropower] partly relies on the water cycle
[biomass] comes from organic plant and animal material

Which is true about ozone

-Ozone in the upper atmosphere protects earth from the sun's rays
-Ozone at ground level is harmful to human activity

How each fossil fuel is extracted from earth
(Coal) through surface and underground mining.
(Crude oil) through drilling wells.
(Natural Gas) through drilling wells, through hydraulic fracturing.

Which form of energy has better LCOE?
-solar energy because the dollar amount per kWh is lower

Which fossil fuels have influenced it
(Coal) allowed companies to build more factories, made train locomotives more efficient.
(Natural Gas) allowed people to refrigerate and cook more easily.
(Crude oil/petroleum) increased people’s use of automobile transportation, allowed people to store and package food and other products.

Environmental Impacts
(Acquiring coal) can cause landslides, can cause sinkholes.
(Acquiring natural gas) can cause earthquakes)
(Both) releases methane into the air, can contaminate groundwater supply

Which fossil fuel it describes

(Coal) Sediment, rock, and water apply pressure, formed at the bottom of swamps
(Oil) formed at the bottom of the ocean where sediments, rocks, and water apply pressure and heat, made mostly of hydrocarbons
(Natural Gas) formed at the bottom of the ocean where, made mostly of methane

Largest change in energy industry 1995-2015
-Gases that contribute to smog decreased

What effect does meeting sea ice have on the atmosphere?
-the atmosphere gets warmer because there is less sea ice to reflect the sun rays

How petroleum influences human activity
-the availability of petroleum increased the use of cars,trucks,and planes

(Wind energy) uses groups of turbines to harness power
(Solar energy) can easily be harnessed by homeowners and businesses
(Hydropower energy) partly relies on the water cycle
(Biomass energy) comes from organic plant and animal material

Why might have they made this decision?
-solar energy does not produce air pollution or carbon dioxide
-solar energy systems have minimal environmental effects

Why is oil considered a fossil fuel?
-It was formed from ancient plants and animal remains

john 100% correct thank you sooooo much dude

John is completely right but the order is wrong

Slay is 12/12 correct for connexus!!! tysm <3

To answer the first question, we need to compare the LCOE values of solar energy and geothermal energy. The LCOE represents the average cost of producing one unit of electricity over the lifetime of the power plant. The lower the LCOE, the more cost-effective the energy source is considered to be.

In this case, the LCOE for solar energy is $0.0545 per kWh, while the LCOE for geothermal energy is $0.0995 per kWh. To determine which form of energy has a better LCOE, we need to choose the option that reflects the lower cost.

Option a states that geothermal energy has a better LCOE because it implies higher total production. However, LCOE is not directly related to total production; it is a measure of cost per unit of electricity produced. Therefore, option a is not the correct answer.

Option b correctly states that solar energy has a better LCOE because it implies lower capital and operating costs. Lower LCOE is achieved when the costs of construction, maintenance, and operation are lower, making option b the correct answer.

Option c incorrectly associates the higher dollar amount per kWh with better LCOE, which is not the case. Higher LCOE represents higher costs, so option c is not the correct answer.

Option d correctly states that solar energy has a better LCOE because the dollar amount per kWh is lower, making option d the correct answer to the question.

Now, let's move on to the second question.

To answer the second question, we need to determine which statements about ozone are true.

Option a states that most ground-level ozone is released by vehicles. While vehicles can contribute to ground-level ozone formation, it is not the only source. Other factors, such as industrial emissions and chemical reactions involving pollutants, also contribute to ground-level ozone. Therefore, option a is not necessarily true.

Option b correctly states that ozone is helpful for reducing smog levels. Ozone molecules can react with certain pollutants and help to break them down, thereby reducing smog levels. Thus, option b is a true statement.

Option c correctly states that ozone at ground level is harmful to human health. Ground-level ozone is a harmful pollutant that can cause respiratory problems, worsen asthma symptoms, and irritate the respiratory system. Therefore, option c is a true statement.

Option d correctly states that ozone in the upper atmosphere protects Earth from the sun's rays. Ozone in the stratosphere forms the ozone layer, which absorbs a significant amount of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This protection is important for preventing harmful UV rays from reaching the Earth's surface. Thus, option d is a true statement.

Option e incorrectly states that trees and plants help to decrease levels of ozone in the atmosphere. While trees and plants are essential for maintaining overall air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, they do not directly decrease levels of ozone in the atmosphere. Therefore, option e is not a true statement.

In conclusion, the two correct statements about ozone are:

b. Ozone is helpful for reducing smog levels.
d. Ozone in the upper atmosphere protects Earth from the sun's rays.

well what are the answers????