Write the equation of each line using the given information.

a. The points (−4,1) and (2,4) both lie on the line.
b. m=−1 and the point (2,−1) lies on the line.
c. It has the same slope as y=5 and passes through (1,1).
d. m=−3 and it has a y-intercept of (0,8).

X_X I'm with celeste but ima try good luck celeste and Chicken Nuugget

thats so helpful X_X

a. To find the equation of a line when two points are given, we can use the point-slope form of a linear equation. The formula is given as:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

Given the points (−4,1) and (2,4), we can plug in the values into the formula:

y - 1 = m(x - (-4))

Simplifying further:

y - 1 = m(x + 4)

Now, we need to find the value of m (slope). We can use the formula:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Plugging in the values, we get:

m = (4 - 1) / (2 - (-4))
m = 3 / 6
m = 1/2

Substituting the slope value into the equation, we have:

y - 1 = (1/2)(x + 4)

b. Given that the slope (m) is -1 and the point (2,-1) lies on the line, we can use the point-slope form of a linear equation again:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

Plugging in the values:

y - (-1) = -1(x - 2)

Simplifying further:

y + 1 = -x + 2

We can rearrange the equation to slope-intercept form:

y = -x + 1

c. In this case, the line has the same slope as y = 5 and passes through the point (1,1).
Since the slope is already given (5), we can proceed to the point-slope form:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

Plugging in the values, we get:

y - 1 = 5(x - 1)

Expanding further:

y - 1 = 5x - 5

Moving the constant term to the other side:

y = 5x - 4

d. Given that the slope (m) is -3 and the y-intercept is (0,8), we can directly use the slope-intercept form of a linear equation:

y = mx + b

Plugging in the values:

y = -3x + 8

So, the equation of each line is:

a. y - 1 = (1/2)(x + 4)
b. y + 1 = -x + 2
c. y = 5x - 4
d. y = -3x + 8

a,b the point-slope form:

y-k = m(x-h)
c. y=1
d. y = mx+b

If those don't look familiar, you will never pass your test