What are all the subsets of the set?

{-8, 4}
a. 0 with a line through it, {-8}, {4}
b. {-8}, {4}, {-8, 4}
c. {-8}, {4}
d. 0 with a line through it, {-8}, {4}, {-8, 4}

It's A.

Sorry -- D

a subset can include all the elements

quick check:
a set of n elements has 2^n subsets
They are called the power set

the zero with a line is the Greek letter phi

Thank y'all!!!

To find all the subsets of a given set, you can use the power set concept. The power set of a set is the set of all possible subsets that can be formed from the original set.

In this case, the given set is {-8, 4}. To find the power set, you can consider each element in the set and either include or exclude it in each subset.

Let's go through the process step by step:

1. Start with an empty set, which is represented by the symbol Ø or by the option "0 with a line through it".

2. Include the first element, -8, in some subsets. This gives us the subsets {-8}.

3. Include the second element, 4, in some subsets. This gives us the subsets {4}.

4. Finally, include both elements, -8 and 4, in some subsets. This gives us the subset {-8, 4}.

Putting all the subsets together, we have {-8}, {4}, {-8, 4}. Therefore, option b. {-8}, {4}, {-8, 4} is the correct answer.