Maria ate 1/3 of a pie. her sister, Rebecca, ate 1/5 of that. what fraction of the whole pie did Rebecca eat?

I thick its 2/15

@Ms.Sue I think it's 1/3 of 1/5 of the ie indicating that Rebecca ate 1/3 of "that" or the amt that maria ate.

OK. The problem is worded awkwardly.

To find out the fraction of the whole pie that Rebecca ate, you need to start with the fraction that Maria ate and then multiply it by the fraction that Rebecca ate.

So, let's break it down step by step:

1. Maria ate 1/3 of the pie. This means that Maria took one part out of three equal parts of the pie.

2. Now, out of what Maria ate, Rebecca ate 1/5. This means that Rebecca took one part out of five equal parts of what Maria had.

To find out what fraction of the whole pie Rebecca ate, you need to multiply the fractions: (1/3) × (1/5).

To multiply fractions, you simply multiply the numerators (the top numbers) and the denominators (the bottom numbers) together.

(1/3) × (1/5) = (1 × 1) / (3 × 5) = 1/15

So, Rebecca ate 1/15 of the whole pie.

Rebecca, ate 1/5 of that

What is THAT? Is it the pie?