
I need help I'm confused


= 4*3 x + 4*2 - 2 distributive property
= 12 x + 8 - 2
= 12 x + 6 combining like terms

Of course going the other way factoring that is
6 ( 2 x + 1)

Thank you :D

You are welcome.

Sure, I can help you with that expression.

To simplify the expression 4(3x+2)-2, you need to apply the distributive property and follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Step 1: Distributive Property
Multiply 4 by each term inside the parentheses:
4 * 3x = 12x
4 * 2 = 8

Now the expression becomes: 12x + 8 - 2

Step 2: Combine Like Terms
Combine the constant terms (8 - 2 = 6):
12x + 6

So, the simplified form of 4(3x+2)-2 is 12x + 6.