Alyssa is painting her bedroom blue. Each of four walls has dimensions 12.9 ft by 11.1 ft. How much area will she paint

To find the area that Alyssa will paint, you need to calculate the area of each wall and then add them together.

First, find the area of one wall by multiplying its length by its width:
Area of one wall = Length * Width

Given that the length of each wall is 12.9 ft and the width is 11.1 ft:
Area of one wall = 12.9 ft * 11.1 ft

Now calculate the area of one wall by multiplying:

Area of one wall = 143.19 ft²

Since there are four walls in total, you need to multiply the area of one wall by 4 to get the total area that Alyssa will paint:

Total area to paint = Area of one wall * 4
Total area to paint = 143.19 ft² * 4

Calculating that results in:
Total area to paint = 572.76 ft²

So, Alyssa will paint approximately 572.76 square feet in her bedroom.


You do the math

12.9 * 11.1 * 4 = ________ square feet