I need help with parallelism involving adverbs.

So, I have narrowed my options down to:
1: We debarked in zero gravity; we then quickly began our telemetric mapping of the alien city
2: We stared, dumbly, mouths agape, tryinng to take the implications.
I am leaning towards options 2 because option 1 seems like it includes verbs instead of adverbs for words that are parallel.

ok thank you

I see no parallelism at all in 2.

I see parallelism in 1, but not involving adverbs.

You’re welcome.

You're on the right track! Parallelism involves using grammatically consistent structures when listing or comparing items in a sentence. In this case, you're focusing on parallelism involving adverbs.

Let's break down the two options you provided:

Option 1: "We debarked in zero gravity; we then quickly began our telemetric mapping of the alien city."
In this option, you have used the adverb "quickly" to modify the verb "began." So, technically, it is not a parallel structure because you have mixed an adverb and a verb together.

Option 2: "We stared, dumbly, mouths agape, trying to take in the implications."
Here, you have used a parallel structure correctly. You have a series of adverbs, separated by commas, to modify the verb "stared." The adverbs "dumbly" and "mouths agape" are used consistently with the -ly form, making it a parallel structure.

Based on the need for parallelism involving adverbs, option 2 is indeed the better choice. It maintains consistency by using a series of adverbs to modify the verb "stared."