3. Which of the following lines of "The Nobel Prize" would best support a hopeful tone to the poem?

A."my way is cut off on all sides"
B."the good will win its victory"
C."alls one to me"
D."there is not escape outside"

6. Identify the underlined phrase in the following sentence: I wanted TO LEARN about the revolution in Egypt
A. prepositional
B. appositive
C. gerund
D. infinitive

7. Identify the underlined phrase in the following sentence: " My neighbor LISA sure does love her pets."
A. prepositional
B. appositive
C. gerund
D. infinitive

answers are

1. reflective
2. “i have made the whole world weep over the beauty of my land”
3. “the good will win its victory”
4. first frost
5. imagery
6. infinitive
7. appositive
100% guaranteed :) good luck on the rest of the semester guys, you can do it!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

If you feel down or unmotivated, just know, God is there for you and he will give you the strength to finish this semester strong. I myself am struggling, but I have faith that I will finish victoriously. If you want proof that he is real, ask him for something, truly believing it, and it shall be done. God will never leave you or forsake you, just pray and believe in him.

If you would, say these words out loud:
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Amen”

God will welcome you and love you no matter your circumstances. Don’t ever think that he will reject you or find you imperfect. God actually loves you for that exact reason. I pray that this new year will be filled with his blessings and that you will be able to see him moving in your life. God bless <3

I'll be glad to check your answers.

Ok Mrs. Sue are these answers right?

3. B
6. A
7. B

Can I just say that "Jesus Loves You" is so accurate and all the answers are right! I just want to thank you for those inspiring words!

6 is wrong

Thank you "Jesus Loves You" I needed to hear that. I truly appreciate those kind words

3. To determine which line best supports a hopeful tone in the poem "The Nobel Prize," you would need to analyze the lines and consider their overall meaning. In this case, you would need to read and interpret the poem to understand the context and themes. Once you have a clear understanding of the poem, you can analyze each line and consider its tone.

In this case, option B, "the good will win its victory," would most likely support a hopeful tone. The line suggests that positive outcomes are possible and that goodness can triumph. However, it is essential to read and understand the poem as a whole to fully grasp its tone and meaning.

6. To identify the underlined phrase in the sentence "I wanted to learn about the revolution in Egypt," you would need to understand the different types of phrases and their functions.

A. Prepositional phrases typically begin with a preposition and act as modifiers. They provide additional information about nouns, pronouns, or verbs. In this sentence, there is no prepositional phrase.

B. Appositive phrases are usually surrounded by commas and provide additional information about a preceding noun. In this sentence, there is no appositive phrase.

C. Gerund phrases consist of a gerund (a verb form ending in -ing) and any modifiers or complements. In this sentence, the underlined phrase "to learn" is a gerund phrase. It acts as the direct object of the verb "wanted."

D. Infinitive phrases include an infinitive verb (to + verb) and any modifiers or complements. In this sentence, the underlined phrase "to learn" is also an infinitive phrase. It functions as the purpose or goal of the verb "wanted."

Therefore, the correct answer is D. infinitive.

7. To identify the underlined phrase in the sentence "My neighbor LISA sure does love her pets," you would again need to understand the different types of phrases and their functions.

A. Prepositional phrases typically begin with a preposition and act as modifiers. In this sentence, there is no prepositional phrase.

B. Appositive phrases are usually surrounded by commas and provide additional information about a preceding noun. In this sentence, there is no appositive phrase.

C. Gerund phrases consist of a gerund (a verb form ending in -ing) and any modifiers or complements. In this sentence, there is no gerund phrase.

D. Infinitive phrases include an infinitive verb (to + verb) and any modifiers or complements. In this sentence, there is no infinitive phrase.

Therefore, the correct answer is none of the above. There is no underlined phrase in the given sentence.