Which group of people lived and worked on a manor, ran the manor household, served the lord in battle, worked the lord's land, or received a fief in exchange for service?

The group of people you're referring to are known as "serfs" during the Middle Ages. Serfs were part of the feudal system, which was a social and economic structure that existed in medieval Europe. To understand the concept of serfs, as well as the other social classes in the feudal system, let me explain how to research this topic further:

1. Start with a general search: Begin by searching for "feudal system" or "feudalism" in a reputable search engine. This will provide you with a good overview of the feudal system, including its structure and key elements.

2. Explore social classes: Within the feudal system, there were different social classes. The three main classes were the nobility, the clergy, and the peasantry. Serfs belonged to the peasant class. Look for sources that explain the roles and responsibilities of each class, as this will help you understand the specific duties of serfs.

3. Dig deeper into serfs: To get a comprehensive understanding of serfs, search specifically for "serfs in the feudal system" or "life of serfs." This will help you locate articles, books, or other sources that provide detailed information about their lives, rights, obligations, and relationship with the lord of the manor.

4. Check historical sources: Historical documents, such as manuscripts, diaries, or chronicles from the Middle Ages, can provide valuable insights into the daily lives of serfs. Search for specific documents or authors known for writing about the feudal system or serfdom. Some notable authors include Jean Froissart, William the Conqueror, or documents like the Domesday Book.

5. Utilize scholarly resources: Academic sources, such as books, articles, or research papers, can offer in-depth analysis and historical context. Check university libraries or online databases to find scholarly works on the topic of serfs and their role within the feudal system.

Remember to critically evaluate your sources for accuracy and reliability. It is also helpful to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

The group of people who lived and worked on a manor, ran the manor household, served the lord in battle, worked the lord's land, or received a fief in exchange for service are known as the feudal serfs or vassals.