Dustin completed 3/8 of a homework assignment that has 24 problems. Kelsey completed 4/15 of a homework assignment that has 30 problems so completed more problems

What would be the answer

I need help this is for school and I am only 9

To determine who completed more problems, we need to compare the fraction of the homework assignment completed by both Dustin and Kelsey. Let's find out how many problems each completed.

First, let's find out how many problems Dustin completed. We know that Dustin completed 3/8 of a homework assignment with 24 problems. To find out the number of problems he completed, we can multiply the fraction completed (3/8) with the total number of problems (24):

Problems completed by Dustin = 3/8 * 24

To perform this calculation, we can multiply the numerator (3) with the total number of problems (24) and divide by the denominator (8).

Problems completed by Dustin = (3 * 24) / 8 = 72 / 8 = 9

So, Dustin completed 9 problems out of 24.

Now, let's find out how many problems Kelsey completed. We know that Kelsey completed 4/15 of a homework assignment with 30 problems. So, we can calculate the number of problems Kelsey completed using the same method:

Problems completed by Kelsey = 4/15 * 30

Calculating this, we can multiply the numerator (4) with the total number of problems (30) and divide by the denominator (15).

Problems completed by Kelsey = (4 * 30) / 15 = 120 / 15 = 8

So, Kelsey completed 8 problems out of 30.

Now that we have the number of problems completed by each person, we can compare. Dustin completed 9 problems, while Kelsey completed 8 problems. Therefore, Dustin completed more problems than Kelsey.

3/8 * 24 = ?

4/15 * 30 = ?

which is larger?