Paul and Eric shared some money in the ratio of 4:5 respectively. If Paul has #120 how much does Eric have?


4/5 = 120/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find out how much Eric has, we can use the ratio of 4:5.

Step 1: Add up the ratio parts.
4 + 5 = 9

Step 2: Divide Paul's amount by the sum of the ratio parts.
120 / 9 = 13.33 (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 3: Multiply the ratio part for Eric by the result obtained in Step 2.
5 * 13.33 = 66.65 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Eric has approximately #66.65.

To find out how much Eric has, we need to determine the value of one unit in the ratio and then multiply it by the number of units Eric has.

Let's start by finding the value of one unit in the ratio. To do this, divide the total amount of money Paul has (#120) by the number of units Paul has (4):

Value of one unit = amount of money Paul has / number of units Paul has
= #120 / 4
= #30

Now that we know the value of one unit, we can find out how much Eric has by multiplying it by the number of units Eric has (5):

Amount of money Eric has = Value of one unit * number of units Eric has
= #30 * 5
= #150

Therefore, Eric has #150.