List and explain 5 limitation of human right

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Limitations of human rights refer to instances where the exercise of certain rights can be restricted or limited due to specific circumstances or considerations. Here are five common limitations of human rights and their explanations:

1. Public Safety: Human rights may be limited when necessary to protect public safety or national security. For example, the freedom of speech may be restricted to prevent hate speech or incitement to violence.

2. Public Health: Human rights may be limited to protect public health. This can involve measures such as compulsory vaccinations during disease outbreaks or quarantine during a pandemic, which may temporarily restrict the freedom of movement.

3. National Law and Order: Human rights can be restricted to maintain law and order within a country. For instance, the right to assembly can be limited if a protest becomes violent or poses a threat to public safety.

4. Protecting the Rights of Others: Human rights may be constrained to protect the rights of others. For example, freedom of expression does not extend to defamation or hate speech since it can harm the reputation or well-being of individuals or communities.

5. Cultural Sensitivity: Human rights may be limited to respect cultural diversity and avoid cultural clashes. Some cultural practices may contradict certain universal human rights, and striking a balance between cultural traditions and human rights can be challenging.

It is important to note that while these limitations exist, they should be applied in accordance with international standards and should not be used as an excuse to violate fundamental human rights.