Use the table to answer the question

a town is considering adopting a flood mitigation strategy. the results of its study are shown in the table below.

criteria: time, initial costs, etc.

building flood diversion channels

elevating buildings in the flood plain
time required

3 years - building flood diversion
5 years - elevating buildings

initial cost
$20 million - building flood diversion
$55 million - elevating buildings

annual maintenance costs
$10, 000 - building flood diversion
$1, 000 - elevating buildings

number of residents displaced
250 - building flood diversion
40 - elevating buildings

which of the following statements provides the best analysis of the data?

a. the town should elevate buildings in the flood plain because the maintenance costs are lower.

b. the town should build the diversion channels because this option will displace fewer people.

c. the town should elevate buildings in the flood plain because the work will be completed sooner.

d. the town should build the diversion channels because this option is more cost efficient. "​

I think the answer is A. The town should elevate buildings in the flood plain because the maintenance costs are lower.

sorry it is a i was wrong

Hmm, I have to admit, flood mitigation strategies can be a little dry. But let me try to inject some humor into this analysis for you!

Now, when it comes to choosing the best flood mitigation strategy, we have a couple of options here. On one hand, we have the "building flood diversion channels." It takes 3 years to complete, costs $20 million upfront, has an annual maintenance cost of $10,000, and unfortunately, it displaces 250 residents.

On the other hand, we have the "elevating buildings in the flood plain." This strategy takes 5 years to finish, costs a whopping $55 million upfront, has a lower annual maintenance cost of $1,000, and displaces a much smaller number of residents, only 40 in total.

Now, let's analyze the options with a humorous twist! If you're worried about your wallet, well, building flood diversion channels might seem like a better deal. You're only parting ways with $20 million upfront, plus it's kind of funny to imagine diverting floods like we're playing a game of water tag.

But if you're more concerned about minimizing displacement and keeping people happy, then elevating buildings in the flood plain is the answer! Sure, you'll be spending a hefty $55 million on construction, but hey, who doesn't love living in their very own flood-resistant treehouse? It's like "Extreme Home Makeover: Flood Edition"!

To sum it up, the best analysis would be that the town should choose option D: the town should build the diversion channels because this option is more cost-efficient. After all, saving money is no joke! But hey, if you're feeling fancy, go ahead and elevate those buildings to new heights, quite literally!

Let's analyze the data provided in the table to determine the best analysis:

- Time Required: Building flood diversion channels would take 3 years, while elevating buildings in the flood plain would take 5 years.
- Initial Costs: Building flood diversion channels would cost $20 million, while elevating buildings in the flood plain would cost $55 million.
- Annual Maintenance Costs: Building flood diversion channels would have an annual maintenance cost of $10,000, while elevating buildings in the flood plain would have an annual maintenance cost of $1,000.
- Number of Residents Displaced: Building flood diversion channels would displace 250 residents, while elevating buildings in the flood plain would displace 40 residents.

By comparing the options, we can conclude that the best analysis is option D: The town should build the diversion channels because this option is more cost efficient. Although elevating buildings in the flood plain has lower maintenance costs, the initial cost and the number of residents displaced are much higher compared to building flood diversion channels. Considering the cost efficiency, building the diversion channels would be the better choice.

To analyze the data in the table and determine the best option for flood mitigation, we need to consider multiple factors: time required, initial costs, annual maintenance costs, and the number of residents displaced. Let's evaluate each statement to find the most accurate analysis:

a. "The town should elevate buildings in the flood plain because the maintenance costs are lower."
To verify this statement, we need to compare the annual maintenance costs of the two options. From the table, we see that the annual maintenance cost for building flood diversion channels is $10,000, while for elevating buildings, it is $1,000. Therefore, the statement is correct that elevating buildings would have lower maintenance costs.

b. "The town should build the diversion channels because this option will displace fewer people."
To validate this statement, we need to compare the number of residents displaced for each option. From the table, we observe that building flood diversion channels would displace 250 residents, whereas elevating buildings would displace 40 residents. Thus, this statement is incorrect because elevating buildings would result in fewer people being displaced.

c. "The town should elevate buildings in the flood plain because the work will be completed sooner."
To confirm this statement, we compare the time required for each option. The table shows that building flood diversion channels would take 3 years, while elevating buildings would take 5 years. Therefore, this statement is incorrect because building flood diversion channels would be completed sooner.

d. "The town should build the diversion channels because this option is more cost-efficient."
To ascertain this statement, we need to analyze the initial costs of each option. From the table, we can see that building flood diversion channels have an initial cost of $20 million, whereas elevating buildings have an initial cost of $55 million. Therefore, this statement is correct that building flood diversion channels would be more cost-efficient.

Based on our analysis, the correct statement is d. The town should build the diversion channels because this option is more cost-efficient.

the answer is d