Tell whether the pair of polygons is similar. Explain why or why not?

For polygon A, the sides are QR 13ft, QP 8ft, PS 13ft, and RS 8ft. For polygon B the sides are UV 2.4ft, UT 5.2, TW 2.4, and VW 5.2ft.

Can someone explain it to me?

that's the image.

can not do image

Is angle PQR the same as angle VUT ????
If not one might be a parallelogram with some random corner angle and the other a rectangle.
moreover the sides are not in the same ratio
13/8= 1.625
5.2/2.4 = 2.166666666..................

idk how to do this

To determine whether the pair of polygons is similar, we need to compare the corresponding side lengths of both polygons.

For polygon A, the side lengths are as follows:
- QR = 13ft
- QP = 8ft
- PS = 13ft
- RS = 8ft

For polygon B, the side lengths are:
- UV = 2.4ft
- UT = 5.2ft
- TW = 2.4ft
- VW = 5.2ft

To check for similarity, we can compare the ratios of the corresponding side lengths of both polygons. The ratios of the side lengths must be equivalent for the polygons to be similar.

Let's calculate the ratios for each pair of corresponding sides:

- QR/UV = 13/2.4 ≈ 5.42
- QP/UT = 8/5.2 ≈ 1.54
- PS/TW = 13/2.4 ≈ 5.42
- RS/VW = 8/5.2 ≈ 1.54

Since the ratios QR/UV and PS/TW are approximately equal, and the ratios QP/UT and RS/VW are also approximately equal, we can conclude that the pair of polygons are similar.

To calculate the ratios, we divided the lengths of corresponding sides, and then checked if the resulting ratios were equal. If all the ratios are equal, the polygons are considered similar.

Choose ALL answers that describe the polygon TUVWTUVW if TU = UV = VW = WTTU=UV=VW=WT, \overline{TU} \perp \overline{UV}


, \overline{UV} \perp \overline{VW}

, \overline{VW} \perp \overline{WT}

, and \overline{WT} \perp \overline{TU}
