Can someone have too much money? How would I have good points for this argumentive essay?

First you need to decide which side of the question you'll write about:

Yes, people can have too much money.
No, people can't have too much money.

Once you've figured that out, go here — — and click on Convince. Read carefully and follow directions.

To write a good argumentative essay, you cannot be wishy-washy!

What r some points that yes people can have too much money

They waste it on doing stupid things, possibly hurting others.

They spend it all in about 6 months and end up broke again.

They let someone they don't know "invest" it for them, lose it all, and end up broke.

On and on …
What can you think of?

To develop good points for an argumentative essay on whether someone can have too much money, you can consider the following steps:

1. Define "too much money": Start by defining what it means for someone to have "too much money." This definition will provide clarity and help structure your argument. It could be based on economic inequality, excessive wealth accumulation, or the negative consequences of wealth on individuals and society.

2. Research economic inequality: Explore the concept of economic inequality and how it affects societies. Look for statistics and research that highlight the disparities in wealth distribution, such as the concentration of wealth among a few individuals or the growing wealth gap between the rich and the poor. These findings can support the idea that having too much money can lead to detrimental social consequences.

3. Examine the impact on individuals: Consider the potential negative impacts excessive wealth can have on individuals. Research and discuss how excessive wealth can lead to issues such as isolation, overconsumption, lack of purpose or motivation, and even health problems. Cite studies or real-life examples to strengthen your argument.

4. Assess the effects on society: Evaluate how having too much money can influence society as a whole. Discuss the potential consequences of wealth concentration, such as political influence, power imbalances, and social unrest. Highlight examples of how excessive wealth can lead to corruption, unethical practices, or a lack of investment in public welfare.

5. Analyze alternative uses for excessive wealth: Consider alternative ways that excessive wealth could be utilized for the betterment of society. Explore concepts like philanthropy, wealth redistribution, or investment in sustainable initiatives. Discuss how redirecting excessive wealth towards areas like poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, or environmental conservation can have a positive impact on society.

6. Address counterarguments: Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments that challenge the notion of having too much money. For instance, some argue that wealth accumulation is a result of hard work and innovation and should be celebrated. Refute such points by emphasizing the potential negative repercussions of extreme wealth on individuals and society.

Remember to support your points with credible sources, research, and real-life examples to make your argument persuasive and well-substantiated.