If p=0.5 and q=-3

q/p +(q)^2
-3/5+9=12/0.5 check this

q/p +(q)^2 = -3/.5 + 9 = -6 + 9 = 3

What happen to the .5 on the bottom

huh? -3/.5 = 6

To evaluate the expression q/p +(q)^2, we substitute the given values of p=0.5 and q=-3 into the expression.

q/p +(q)^2 = (-3)/0.5 + (-3)^2

First, let's simplify the expression -3/0.5:

-3/0.5 can be rewritten as -3 * (1/0.5). Since 1/0.5 is equivalent to 2, we have:

-3 * 2 = -6

Next, let's simplify the expression (-3)^2:

(-3)^2 is equal to (-3) * (-3), which results in:


Finally, let's substitute these simplified values back into our original expression:

q/p +(q)^2 = -6 + 9

Now, we can calculate -6 + 9:

-6 + 9 = 3

Therefore, the value of q/p +(q)^2 when p=0.5 and q=-3 is 3.

Now let's check if 3 is equal to 12/0.5:

12/0.5 = 24

Since 3 is not equal to 24, the check fails.