when a rain drop hits the ground name three ways it can eventually end up in a river.

thanks for the help much appreciated

google wasnt working on this question

Google "water cycle"

When a raindrop hits the ground, there are several ways it can eventually end up in a river. Here are three common paths:

1. Surface runoff: If the ground is not highly absorbent, the raindrop will flow over the surface as runoff. As more raindrops join together, they form small streams that converge into larger channels, ultimately leading to a river.

2. Infiltration and groundwater: If the ground is porous, some rainwater will be absorbed into the soil. This water seeps deeper into the ground and becomes part of the groundwater. Over time, the groundwater may flow through underground aquifers, eventually reaching a river.

3. Stormwater drainage systems: In urban areas, rainwater is often collected by elaborate drainage systems, including gutters, sewers, and storm drains. These systems direct the rainwater into rivers, creeks, or other water bodies in order to prevent flooding.

To understand these processes better, you can study the water cycle and watershed dynamics, which explain the movement of water from the atmosphere to the land and back to the oceans.

yes sorry for your inconvenience

Again, why aren't you using Google?

If a tutor ends up googling your question, then you can do so yourself. The point of this website is to HELP you learn to find answers, not to give you the answers.