One theme in The Giver, Chapter 1, is that a government with too much power can oppress its people. Which details does the author use to develop this theme?

Select all that apply.

A.The main character has a rebellious personality that shows how wrong society is.

B.The parents’ kindness feels false, as though they are hiding dark secrets.

C.The repeated apologies show that rules govern everyday interactions.

D.The event with the pilot hints that society punishes people severely for minor crimes.

B and C?

c d

Sorry -- I haven't read this -- so I don't know.


To determine the details the author uses to develop the theme that a government with too much power can oppress its people in The Giver, Chapter 1, we can evaluate each option:

A. The main character having a rebellious personality does not directly demonstrate how society is wrong. It may suggest that the protagonist questions the status quo, but it does not explicitly support the theme.

B. The parents' kindness feeling false and hiding dark secrets could be seen as an indication that the government controls and manipulates their behavior, supporting the theme.

C. The repeated apologies that show rules governing everyday interactions suggest a strict and regulated society, which aligns with the theme.

D. The event with the pilot hints at societal punishment for minor crimes, which could reinforce the theme.

Based on this analysis, options B (The parents' kindness feels false, as though they are hiding dark secrets) and C (The repeated apologies show that rules govern everyday interactions) are both details the author uses to develop the theme. Therefore, the correct answer is B and C.