The cost in dollars of a field trip is 64+14n, where n is the number of people attending. what is the cost for 48 people?


A .736

To find the cost for 48 people, we substitute n = 48 into the equation:

Cost = 64 + 14n

Cost = 64 + 14(48)

Cost = 64 + 672

Cost = 736

Therefore, the cost for 48 people is $736.

So, the correct answer is option 1: $736.

To find the cost for 48 people, you need to substitute the value of n as 48 into the given equation:

Cost = 64 + 14n

Let's plug in n = 48:

Cost = 64 + 14(48)
= 64 + 672
= 736

Therefore, the cost for 48 people is $736.

So, the correct answer is option 1. $736

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