How can you represent the system of equations with a matrix?


Kindly help me go about solving this. Thank you so much

AX = B

where A is the matrix of coefficients
X is the column matrix with rows x,y
B is the column matrix with rows 9,-1

To represent a system of equations with a matrix, you can use the coefficients of the variables in the equations. In this case, your system of equations is:

2x + y = 9 (Equation 1)
x - 6y = -1 (Equation 2)

To represent this system with a matrix, you can create a coefficient matrix by taking the coefficients of the variables and arranging them in rows. Then, you can create a constant matrix by taking the constant terms on the other side of the equation and arranging them in a column. Finally, you can combine these matrices to form an augmented matrix.

The coefficient matrix for this system is created by taking the coefficients of x and y:

| 2 1 |
| 1 -6 |

The constant matrix is created by taking the constant terms on the other side of the equations:

| 9 |
|-1 |

Then, you can combine these matrices to form the augmented matrix:

| 2 1 | 9 |
| 1 -6 | -1 |

Now, to solve the system of equations using this matrix, you can use various methods such as Gaussian elimination, matrix inversion, or using the inverse of the coefficient matrix.

I can go ahead and solve this system of equations using Gaussian elimination. Would you like me to proceed with that?