Find the missing term

__, 180, 30, 5


Find the missing term_,100,20,4

Please Help! Thank You!

the answer is 210 to halpps question

To find the missing term in the sequence __, 180, 30, 5, we can look for a pattern or rule that governs the relationship between the numbers.

By observing the sequence, we can notice that each number is obtained by dividing the previous number by 6.

For example, 180 divided by 6 is 30, and 30 divided by 6 is 5. Therefore, the missing term can be obtained by dividing 5 by 6, which gives us 5/6 or approximately 0.8333.

None of the provided answer choices match this value. However, if we consider the closest option, C) 330, we can verify by dividing it by 6. 330 divided by 6 equals 55, and 55 divided by 6 is approximately 9.167. This does not match the pattern, so we can eliminate option C) 330.

As a result, none of the given answer choices fit the pattern established in the sequence. It is possible that there is an error in the question or the intended rule for finding the missing term.

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5 * ? = 30
30 * ? = 180