Point M(4, 3) is translated according to the rule (x, y) (x + 2, y – 5). What are the coordinates of M’?

A. (2, −2)
B. (6, 8)
C. (2, 8)
D. (6, −2) **

I chose D. Am I right? Thanks for the help :)

I want you to say with confidence.

I know it is D

Yes, you are right.

When you add 2 to the x value, result is 6.

When you subtract 5 from the y value result is - 2.

To determine the coordinates of M' after the translation, we apply the given rule to each coordinate of M.

For the x-coordinate, we add 2 to the x-coordinate of M.
New x-coordinate = 4 + 2 = 6.

For the y-coordinate, we subtract 5 from the y-coordinate of M.
New y-coordinate = 3 - 5 = -2.

Therefore, the coordinates of M' are (6, -2).

So, you are correct! The answer is D. (6, -2). Well done!