A town clock has a minute hand that is 1.5 meters long and an hour hand that is 1.2 meters long. What is the approximate distance in meters between the ends of the hands at 9 o'clock?


can someone get me the answer? thanks

guys the equation is 1.5^2+1.2^2

whenever a number has "^2" after it that means you have to multiply the number by itself. So 1.5x1.5= 2.25 and 1.2^2= 1.44. Then next you have to add the answers. 2.25+1.44= 3.69. Then next what you wanna do is find the root of the number. To find the root you just find what 2 numbers multiplied equal your first number. For example. The root of 64 is 8 because 8x8= 64.
anyway. The root of 3.69 is 1.92093727 because 1.92093727x1.92093727=3.69
so now you just round the answer. So your answer is 1.9.
Hope this helped lol

Treat as a trig. problem. At 9 o clock you would have a triangle with a 90 degree angle so (1.5)^2 + (1.2)^2 = C^2 solve for C

It is also known as the Pythagorean theorem, which can be used for any right (90 degree) triangle.


And how would that help the ppls who dont understand that stuff?


ur welcome cool kid

1.9 it is sonny bit.

To find the distance between the ends of the hands at 9 o'clock, we can use the concept of trigonometry. The minute hand and the hour hand can be seen as the radius of a circle, with the pivot point as the center. At 9 o'clock, the minute hand points directly upwards, while the hour hand is pointing left.

The minute hand forms a right-angled triangle with the center and the endpoint. Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the length of the hypotenuse:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2

Since the minute hand is 1.5 meters long, the length of the hypotenuse is:

c = √(1.5^2 + 0^2)
≈ √2.25
≈ 1.5 meters

The hour hand also forms a right-angled triangle but with shorter sides. We can use the same formula:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2

Since the hour hand is 1.2 meters long, the length of the hypotenuse is:

c = √(1.2^2 + 0^2)
≈ √1.44
≈ 1.2 meters

Now, to find the distance between the ends of the hands, we subtract the length of the hour hand from the length of the minute hand:

Distance = 1.5 meters - 1.2 meters
= 0.3 meters

Therefore, the approximate distance in meters between the ends of the hands at 9 o'clock is 0.3 meters.