The equation y=5sin(3x-4t), where y is in millimeters,x is in metres,and t is in seconds,represents a wave motion.fine the frequecy,period and speed of the wave

The equation y=5sin(3x-4t), where y is in millimeters,x is in metres,and t is in seconds,represents a wave motion. Find the frequency,period and speed of the wave

To find the frequency, period, and speed of the wave represented by the equation y = 5sin(3x - 4t), we'll break it down step by step:

1. Frequency:
The frequency (f) represents the number of complete cycles the wave undergoes in one second. In the given equation, the coefficient of 't' represents the angular frequency (ω), which is related to the frequency by the formula ω = 2πf. Here, the angular frequency is 4.

To find the frequency, we divide the angular frequency by 2π:
ω = 4
2πf = 4
f = 4 / (2π)
f ≈ 0.637 Hz

So, the frequency of the wave is approximately 0.637 Hz.

2. Period:
The period (T) is the time taken for one complete cycle of the wave. It is the inverse of the frequency and is given by the formula T = 1/f.

Using the frequency we found earlier:
T = 1 / f
T = 1 / 0.637
T ≈ 1.571 s

So, the period of the wave is approximately 1.571 seconds.

3. Speed:
The speed (v) of the wave is the rate at which it travels through space. In this case, the wave is a function of both 'x' and 't'. However, since we are given no information about the relationship between 'x' and 't', we can't directly determine the speed.

To find the speed, we would need to know either the propagation speed (which is the rate of change of 'x' with respect to 't') or the wavelength (λ). However, these parameters are not provided in the given equation. Therefore, without more information, we cannot determine the speed of the wave.

I don't know it please show me the workings