Which phrase best summarizes Qin government?

It was centralized.

It upheld Confucian ideals.

It divided China into rival states.

It relaxed the harsh laws of the Zhou dynasty

1. Ancestors

2. B
3. A
4. C & E
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. Balance
9. A
10. D
11. Farmers


The phrase that best summarizes Qin government is A. It was centralized.

The phrase that best summarizes the Qin government is option A, "It was centralized." To arrive at this answer, we can examine the characteristics of the Qin government and compare them with the provided options.

Option B, "It upheld Confucian ideals," is not an accurate summary of the Qin government. Although Confucianism became influential during later periods, such as the Han dynasty, the Qin government did not actively uphold Confucian ideals.

Option C, "It divided China into rival states," is not correct. The Qin government actually sought to unify China and bring an end to the Warring States period. It used conquest and centralization to achieve this goal.

Option D, "It relaxed the harsh laws of the Zhou dynasty," is also not true. The Qin government implemented a strict legal and bureaucratic system, known as Legalism, which aimed to maintain control over the population and enforce strict laws.

Therefore, option A, "It was centralized," is the best phrase to summarize the Qin government, as it accurately represents the Qin's focus on centralized control and governance.