Is it reasonable to say that Jose Gutierrez de lara was an important part Mexican independecne

To determine whether Jose Gutierrez de Lara was an important part of Mexican independence, we can follow these steps to find the answer:

1. Research about the role of Jose Gutierrez de Lara: Start by conducting a search to gather information about who Jose Gutierrez de Lara was and his involvement in the Mexican independence movement. Look for reliable historical sources such as books, articles, or scholarly websites.

2. Analyze his contributions: Once you have acquired information, analyze the significance of Gutierrez de Lara's contributions. Consider his actions, achievements, and impact on the movement. Look for evidence of his involvement in key events or his influence on important figures during the Mexican independence struggle.

3. Compare with other historical figures: Assess the importance of Gutierrez de Lara by comparing his role with other prominent individuals involved in Mexican independence. Consider the scale and impact of his contributions in relation to other leaders, military commanders, or ideologues of the independence movement.

4. Seek expert opinions: Look for opinions or analysis from historians or experts in Mexican history. Consulting authoritative sources can help you gain a more well-rounded perspective on Gutierrez de Lara's role in Mexican independence.

By following these steps, you can gather the necessary information and form a reasonable conclusion about the significance of Jose Gutierrez de Lara in the Mexican independence movement.