Hey jishka teachers I hope yall are having a great day that God has given us I was wandering if you can help me work this out so I can understand

Triangle DEF has coordinates D(2, 5); E(-1 5); F(1, 2). Find the coordinates of the image D’E’F’ after a reflection across the y-axis

the question didn't provide an image I hope you can help me understand it good as possible

think about it. Reflection across the y-axis just changes the sign of all the x-coordinates.

(x,y) -> (-x,y)

thanks for the detail but I'm still confused

for example, (3,-2) -> (-3,-2)

Just change the sign of the x-coordinate of each point.

If you don't know which is x and which is y, you have some serious catching up to do. Better review the topic again.

Also, google can provide you with many examples, and even videos.

ok thank you for using your time to help me ill see if my teacher can explain it more to me and you are right I do have some catching up to do thank you very much.

so it would be D(-2, 5); E(-1 5); F(-1, 2). ??

Of course, I'd be happy to help you understand how to find the coordinates of the image after a reflection across the y-axis!

A reflection across the y-axis involves flipping the figure over a vertical line. This means that the x-coordinate of each point will remain the same, but the sign of the y-coordinate will change.

Let's go step by step to find the coordinates of the image after the reflection across the y-axis:

1. Start with the original coordinates of triangle DEF:
D(2, 5)
E(-1, 5)
F(1, 2)

2. For each point, keep the x-coordinate the same and change the sign of the y-coordinate:
D(2, -5)
E(-1, -5)
F(1, -2)

Therefore, the coordinates of the image D'E'F' after the reflection across the y-axis are:
D'(2, -5)
E'(-1, -5)
F'(1, -2)

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to find the coordinates of a figure after a reflection across the y-axis. Let me know if you have any further questions!