Can someone help me solve this


Firstly, is it 360/365 * t-79.75 or is it 360/(365(t-79.75))?

Also, are you trying to simplify this or is this supposed to be an equation?

It was part of a trig problem, which I solved. Not sure what the difficulty is.

A got the first part right, using the very same argument.

Oh my bad I didn't get the background

To solve the equation 360/365(t-79.75), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the number outside the parentheses to both terms inside the parentheses.
360/365 * t - 360/365 * 79.75

Step 2: Simplify each term.
(360/365) * t - (360/365) * 79.75

Step 3: Simplify fractions, if possible.
(360t/365) - (360/365) * 79.75

Step 4: Multiply the numbers in the parentheses.
(360t/365) - (28890/365)

Step 5: Combine like terms (the two fractions have the same denominator, so we can subtract them directly).
360t/365 - 28890/365

The simplified form of the equation would be:
(360t - 28890) / 365

So, the final expression after solving it is (360t - 28890) / 365.