A theater sells adult tickets for $8.00 and children's tickets for $5.50. Sally but some of each kind (not the same number) and paid a total of $75.50. which equation represents this situation.

A) x+y=78.5
B) 13.5x=75.5
C) 13.5xy=78.5
D) 8x+5.5y=78.5

Please post your answer.

even without doing the math, it should be clear that only one choice involves $75.50

8x + 5.5y = 75.50

To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation that represents the situation. Let's assume that Sally purchased x adult tickets and y children's tickets.

The cost of each adult ticket is $8.00, so the total cost of the adult tickets can be represented as 8x.
Similarly, the cost of each children's ticket is $5.50, so the total cost of the children's tickets can be represented as 5.50y.

According to the problem, the total amount Sally paid for all the tickets is $75.50. So, we can set up the equation:

8x + 5.50y = 75.50

Therefore, the equation that represents this situation is:

D) 8x + 5.5y = 75.50