How would you use a number line to round 148 to the nearest ten? Explain.

See if 148 lies closer to 140 or 150. Whatever one it is closer to, round to that number

Thanks CodyJinks :)

To use a number line to round 148 to the nearest ten, follow these steps:

1. Draw a number line starting from the tens place. Mark the numbers 140 and 150 on the line.
- This number line shows the range of numbers between 140 and 150, which includes 148.

2. Locate the number 148 on the number line.
- Plot a point on the line representing the number 148.

3. Identify the nearest ten.
- Determine if 148 is closer to 140 or 150 on the number line.
- In this case, 148 is closer to 150.

4. Round the number to the nearest ten.
- Since 148 is closer to 150, round 148 to 150.

So, rounding 148 to the nearest ten using a number line results in 150.