Using the numbers 5, 8, and 24, create a problem using no more than four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square, square root, cube, cube root) where the solution will be an irrational number. Explain why the result of your operations is an irrational number.

Please give me an example.

sqrt(5)+(8/24)*5 could be one possibility. The square root of any non-square number is always going to be irrational.

Yeah, we are gonna get caught.

You're very welcome!

Thanks AJ L!

It's actually meant to be a website meant for checking your homework, getting help for an example, etc. but we all what we are really on here for ;)

The teachers don't even know what this website is

Sure! Let's create a problem using the numbers 5, 8, and 24 where the solution will be an irrational number.

Example problem: Take the square root of the sum of 5 and 8, and then multiply it by 24.

1. Start by finding the sum of 5 and 8: 5 + 8 = 13.
2. Take the square root of 13: √13.
3. Multiply the square root of 13 by 24: √13 * 24.

The solution (√13 * 24) in this example is an irrational number because the number under the square root (√13) is irrational. When we multiply an irrational number by a rational number, the resulting number is still irrational.

To further explain why the result of our operations is an irrational number, let's break it down:

1. The sum of 5 and 8 (13) is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction (13/1).

2. Taking the square root of 13 (√13) is where we introduce irrationality. The square root of 13 cannot be expressed as a fraction or a terminating or repeating decimal. It's an irrational number.

3. Finally, multiplying the irrational number √13 by the rational number 24 gives us a product that is still irrational. This is because when an irrational number is multiplied by a rational number, the result will remain irrational.

So, in the example problem, the solution (√13 * 24) is an irrational number due to the presence of the square root (√13), which cannot be expressed as a fraction or a repeating or terminating decimal.