one-tenth x fewer than the sum of one-fifth y and 2x

how to I write this

1/5y +2x-1/10x

yes, though maybe clearer as one of

1/5 y +2x-1/10 x
y/5 + 2x - x/10
(1/5)y + 2x - (1/10)x

Otherwise there's a chance to interpret it as
1/(5y) + 2x - 1/(10x)
which some people also mean. When typing online, always use enough parentheses to make it quite clear what you mean. Even an extra space or two can help.

To simplify the given expression, "one-tenth x fewer than the sum of one-fifth y and 2x," you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the sum of one-fifth y and 2x: (1/5)y + 2x
2. Next, subtract one-tenth x from the sum: (1/5)y + 2x - (1/10)x.

So, the expression can be written as (1/5)y + 2x - (1/10)x.

To write the given expression "one-tenth x fewer than the sum of one-fifth y and 2x," you can break it down into smaller parts and simplify it. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Express "one-tenth x fewer than" as "-1/10x" because "fewer than" means subtraction.

Step 2: Express "the sum of one-fifth y and 2x" as "1/5y + 2x" because "the sum of" means addition.

Step 3: Combine the two expressions from step 1 and step 2 to get the final expression:

Final Expression: 1/5y + 2x - 1/10x

So, the correct expression is 1/5y + 2x - 1/10x.