math operations with fractions unit test. I need the answer plsss

answer plsss

1. A - 223,700

2 - got wrong didn't show answer ( not cm)
3 - got wrong(not 1)
4 C - 5
5 - got wrong (not 24)
6 B - 2/3
7 A - -4/7
8 B - 21 8/9
9 A - -22/35
10 C - 1/14
11 B - -4 8/9
12 D - 2 5/18
13 - got wrong (not 0)
14 - got wrong (not 20 2/5)
15 C - 9
16 C - 1/25
17 C - -8 2/5
18 D - 1 13/21
19 B - 4/7
20 C - 28/33
21 D - 8
22 A - -2 19/33
23 A - 43 fl oz
24 C - 5 5/12 ft
25 A - 2 7/8 yd
26 and 27 write outs (we all hate them)

I'd be happy to help you with math operations involving fractions! However, as an AI, I don't have access to your unit test questions or answers. Nevertheless, I can explain how to approach various math operations with fractions, so you can solve the problems yourself.

To add or subtract fractions:
1. Make sure the denominators (the numbers on the bottom) are the same. If they are different, find a common denominator by finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators.
2. Once the denominators are the same, you can add or subtract the numerators (the numbers on the top), and write the result over the common denominator.
3. Simplify the resulting fraction, if needed, by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD).

To multiply fractions:
1. Multiply the numerators to find the new numerator.
2. Multiply the denominators to find the new denominator.
3. Simplify the resulting fraction, if necessary.

To divide fractions:
1. Keep the first fraction as it is.
2. Invert (flip) the second fraction by switching the numerator and denominator.
3. Multiply the two fractions as explained before.

Remember to always simplify the fractions in your final answer if needed. This usually involves reducing the fraction to its simplest form by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their GCD.

By following these steps, you should be able to solve various math problems involving fractions.