I need the steps for finding the answer to this.

7 - 3(4 - 2x) - 10x

7 - 3(4 - 2x) - 10x

7 - 12 + 6x - 10x
-5 - 4x

We're looking for the order of operation ms sue



1. Remove parenthesis.

2. Combine like-terms.

To find the answer, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression within the parentheses.
Inside the parentheses, there is '4 - 2x'. We can simplify this by distributing the '-3' to both terms inside the parentheses:
4 * (-3) - 2x * (-3) = -12 + 6x

Step 2: Rewrite the expression with the simplified form in Step 1.
The original expression becomes:
7 - (-12 + 6x) - 10x

Step 3: Simplify the expression within the parentheses again.
Inside the parentheses, we have '-(-12 + 6x)'. When we have a double negative, it becomes positive:
-(-12 + 6x) = 12 - 6x

Step 4: Rewrite the expression with the simplified form in Step 3.
The expression becomes:
7 + (12 - 6x) - 10x

Step 5: Combine like terms.
Combine the variables with an 'x' term:
-6x - 10x = -16x

Combine the constant terms:
7 + 12 = 19

Step 6: Write the final simplified expression.
The final expression is:
19 - 16x

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression '7 - 3(4 - 2x) - 10x' is '19 - 16x'.